1770 Finance Direct Logo

Building Residential Investment Property Portolio

At 1770 Finance Direct we are uniquely placed to help you find the right loan. We understand your needs and goals and can point you in the right direction. 

If you are thinking of buying a home or investing in property, you will probably have a lot of questions and we can help with them all.  After 20 years experience we understand all things finance and will take the stress out of purchasing a property.

As a financial firm, 1770 Finance Direct is backed by over 25 lenders. We will work with all lenders to ensure you are getting the loan that best meets your requirements and objectives.


Have you established the proper financial framework to maximise investment opportunities?

At 1770 Finance Direct, we can simplify the process of constructing a property portfolio. Our staff has access to more than 20 lenders, allowing us to alleviate the burden associated with purchasing investment homes.

We will collaborate with your accountant and attorney to ensure you have a solid financial structure that maximises tax benefits and protects your assets.

We can help source you a product with any of the following features:

  • Variable or Fixed Rates
  • Prinicipal and Interest or Interest Only Repayments
  • Multiple Offset Account Structure
  • Redraw Options
  • Split Loan Facilities
  • Competitive Rates and Fees

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